15 Amazing Benefits Of Chamomile Oil For Skin, Health And Hair

This soothing tea can make you not only look good but also feel good!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Zeel Gandhi, BAMS
Written by Tanya Choudhary, B.Desgn, ISSA Certified Specialist In Fitness & Nutrition
Edited by Ravi Teja Tadimalla, BSc, Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition and Health
Fact-checked by Himanshi Mahajan, BSc (Life Sciences), Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach  • 

Chamomile oil benefits are fast gaining popularity. This oil can be an excellent addition to your kitchen shelf. If you are stuck in a busy schedule or are feeling lazy to make a cup of chamomile tea, simply put a few drops of this oil on a clean cloth and inhale. It de-stresses you in no time and may even relieve fatigue-like symptoms. The oil is also popularly used in aromatherapy.

Chamomile oil is said to have many benefits such as antibacterial and antifungal properties that keep infections at bay. This oil is available in two variants, namely German and Roman. The Roman variant is popularized for its anti-inflammatory properties, while the German variant is known for its analgesic, sudorifici  XAn ingredient or medication that induces sweat glands and encourages excessive perspiration (sweating). , febrifuge, digestive, vermifugei  XAn ingredient or medication that is used to eliminate or expel parasitic worms, such as roundworms from the intestine. , and antiseptic properties. It is also a digestive aid.

Continue reading to learn about the many other benefits of this oil and how it can benefit your hair, skin, and health.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Chamomile Oil

What Is It?
Chamomile oil is an essential oil that is derived from the flowers of the chamomile plant of the Asteraceae family.

What Are Its Benefits?
This essential oil has de-stressing properties that may act as an analgesic and antidepressant. It has moisturizing and brightening effects on skin and hair.

Who Can Use It?
Anyone except those who are allergic to plants in the Asteraceae family can use it.

How Often?
For topical use, it is recommended to use a few drops once or twice daily

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this oil.

Benefits Of Chamomile Oil For Skin

Check out here one of the best chamomile benefits for skin health.

1. Good For Acne And Eczema:

Woman dealing with acne breakouts
Image: Shutterstock

Put an end to the painful conditions of acne with a dab of this oil. Your inflammation and redness vanish, plus you will be able to enjoy scar-free skin. Mix it with Evening Primrose oil for handling the inflammations. It is also a sought-after natural antidote for eczemai  XA persistent condition that flares up sporadically, leaving you with dry, itchy skin and weakened skin barrier function. -like skin conditions (1).

2. Eases Skin Rashes And Scarring:

Mix 3 to 4 drops of Roman chamomile oil with coconut oil and dab it on your skin. This calms any kind of irritation your skin might be experiencing. Along with hydrating and moisturizing your skin, it also adds radiance. It is a herbal medicine known to be effective in healing sun burns (2). Add a few drops to your bath or do a cold compress with this oil-infused water for quicker healing.

3. Makes Skin Young, Moisturized And Blemish-Free:

Get rid of those crow’s feet and dark circles hampering the beauty of your eyes with the regular application of this essential oil. It eases the blemishes and evens the skin tone. Chamomile oil has several skin care benefits. It helps in repairing, regenerating, and strengthening skin, which in turn keeps your skin young and refreshing.

protip_icon Fun Fact
In ancient Egypt, noble women used chamomile oil for treating various skin conditions. It was also used as an embalming oil for preserving the Pharaohs in their tombs.

Benefits Of Chamomile Oil For Hair

Woman flaunting healthy and thick hair
Image: Shutterstock

Find out here what are the benefits of chamomile essential for healthy hair.

4. Enriches Your Hair Color And Radiance:

Rinse the hair with a gentle dab of chamomile oil to brighten up the blonde hair instantly. Add a few drops to your henna mixture and apply it for accentuating those natural highlights. A few drops can be applied to towel-dried hair to give your hair a lovely shine.

5. Natural Anti-dandruff Agent:

Chamomile is an effective natural remedy for hair lice and dandruff. In addition, it also soothes the irritated scalp. It hydrates the scalp, thus easing the associated irritation and itching (3).

6. Moisturizes And Softens Hair:

Known for its nerve soothing properties, chamomile oil easily qualifies as wonderful oil to nourish the hair and scalp. It is effective on dry and brittle hair. It retains the moisture level and strengthens the hair from within, leaving behind soft and strong tresses.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Mix chamomile oil with coconut oil or jojoba oil for added benefits to your hair and scalp.

Chamomile Oil Benefits For Health

Here are top health benefits of chamomile oil in many ways.

7. Natural Antidepressant:

Woman smelling chamomile oil for aromatherapy
Image: Shutterstock

Chamomile has antidepressant properties (4). The mesmerizingly sweet aroma of this oil calms you down and helps you relax. It lifts your mood and leaves you rejuvenated. Known for its tranquilizing and sedating properties, the Roman variant has been used during prenatal massages to help the expecting mother relax. When used with lemongrass oil, the nerve calming properties help in calming hyperactive children.

8. Analgesic:

Bid adieu to your life-hampering arthritis pain with this oil. Dab a little warm oil in the affected region and give a gentle massage to improve circulation, and to ease inflammation and pain associated with arthritisi  XA type of inflammation that causes pain and stiffness in one or more joints and worsens with age. (5). Those who suffer from headaches due to cold, sinusitisi  XInflammation in the sinuses, usually brought on by a cold or allergens, that cause them to become congested with fluid. , and migraine can also rely on this oil for quicker relief (6). Steam inhalation with this oil can decongest the chest and unclog the stuffy nose. It also acts as a febrifuge and aids in faster recovery from fever.

9. Antidote For Stomach Disorders:

This oil is known to have a positive impact on assorted stomach disorders, including gastrointestinal issues, diarrhea, constipation, and even gallstones. It improves the digestive powers and relieves the gas accumulated in the abdomen. It is a good cure for bloating (2). Its antimicrobial properties allow the oil to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms in the gut, keeping you safe from various gastrointestinal disorders (7).

10. Good For Central Nervous System:

Chamomile can improve nervous system functioning
Image: Shutterstock

Conditioning the central nervous system maintains the health of the CNS. It helps the CNS to work efficiently and prevent uninvited health conditions (8).

11. Helpful For Sciatica And Painful Conditions:

Is your back pain troubling you? Just warm a little German chamomile oil and apply it to the affected area. If it is a sciaticai  XThe sciatic nerve, present near your buttocks, can get injured or irritated, resulting in nerve pain. -induced pain, then the Roman variant would be the right choice (9). A massage with the oil soothes the sciatic nerve. Make sure you apply the oil to the lower back, hips, as well as legs.

Emma, an aromatherapist and a blogger, writes about her experience of using blue (German) and Roman chamomile in her remedies. “I often blend chamomile for backache with other anti-inflammatory oils, such as lavender. However, I’ve found blue to be the more anti-inflammatory of the two (i),” she remarks.

12. Helps Babies To Sleep:

Children, especially infants, give you a tough time when it comes to sleep time. A massage with this oil is known to be a natural sleep aid for infants. You can add 3 to 4 drops of this oil to the baby oil and massage your little one with this oil, and then a warm water bath. It soothes the senses and calms them down, thus triggering the sleep hormones.

13. Beneficial For Women:

Roman chamomile oil is an effective emmenagogue. Women experiencing premenstrual and menopausal troubles can take the help of this oil. It eases breast tenderness. Its antidepressant nature helps combat mood swings in a better way. A warm bath with a few drops of this oil is known to alleviate menstrual pain.

14. Keeps Kidneys And Urinary Tract Clean:

Doctor showing image of the kidneys which can be improve with chamomile
Image: Shutterstock

Animal studies show that chamomile is a mild diuretic (10). It cleanses the urinary tract, kidneys, and blood by inducing more flow of blood and urination. Kidneys and blood, when detoxified, work in a better way, thwarting unwanted medical conditions.

15. Safeguards From Cardiovascular Conditions:

German Camomile oil is an admirable vasoconstrictor. Thus, it helps in lowering and maintaining blood pressure levels (11). This, in turn, prevents blood vessel constriction, lowering the risk of assorted cardiovascular conditions, including myocardial infarctioni  XA fatal restriction in the supply of blood to the heart muscle that can lead to what is commonly known as a heart attack. , atherosclerosisi  XThe gradual hardening and constriction of your arteries due to cholesterol and fat plaques clogging them. , and stroke.

Chamomile is often used together with other oils for enhanced benefits, most frequently alongside lavender. Let’s explore the therapeutic scope of the combination of these two oils.

Can You Mix Lavender And Chamomile Oils?

The short answer is a resounding yes! In fact, studies have shown that the combination of lavender and chamomile essential oils in aromatherapy can significantly reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress (12). And while we have shed light on the numerous benefits of chamomile oil above, lavender oil brings its own share of wonders to the table. Lavender oil has strong antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties (13). Studies to understand its scope in wound healing, relieving skin irritation, and treating dandruff are ongoing. It may be effective in treating several neurological conditions as well (14). Hence, you may mix lavender and chamomile oils in appropriate proportions to reap the best of both.

Amazing, isn’t it? How a simple natural ingredient can have such a profound impact on our overall health? Start using chamomile oil and lead a happy, healthy, and beautiful life!

Discover the amazing benefits of chamomile essential oil. Learn how to use it for relaxation, skin care, and more with this video below.

Infographic: 6 Benefits Of Chamomile Oil For Skin, Hair, And Health

We often use chemical-based products in our daily life. However, we fail to consider their side effects. The good news is – there are ample natural products we can use to lead a healthy lifestyle. Chamomile oil is one such ingredient. Using it regularly can help improve one’s skin, hair, and overall health. In the following infographic, we have listed the 6 important benefits of chamomile oil. Check them out.

6 benefits of chamomile oil for skin, hair, and health (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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The benefits of chamomile oil for skin and hair are wide-ranging, but it is also known for its therapeutic potential. It may help you achieve spotless skin by combating inflammatory conditions like acne and eczema, treating skin rashes, and lightening scars. It may also help nourish your hair, add radiance to your blonde locks, and fight dandruff. This aromatic oil has pain-relieving properties too and acts as an antidepressant, while it is also good for women experiencing menstrual and premenstrual problems. It may also help maintain the health of your heart, kidneys, urinary tract, and central nervous system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can chamomile oil be applied directly to the skin?

Yes, you can apply chamomile oil to the skin directly or mix it with a moisturizer or body lotion for application. However, a patch test is recommended before applying chamomile oil to the skin.

Does chamomile oil darken skin?

No, chamomile oil does not darken the skin. Instead, this oil effectively remedies skin issues like tan and darkened skin.

Does chamomile make your skin glow?

Chamomile oil is known for its beneficial effects on the skin. It tightens the skin pores, reduces scars and blemishes, and imparts a gentle glow to the skin.

Can I use chamomile tea on my face?

Yes, you can apply chamomile tea to the face directly. It soothes skin irritation, reduces the appearance of scars, and promotes wound healing. Dip a cotton ball in the tea and gently dab it all over your face. You can wash it off with cold water after 15 to 20 minutes. You can do this 2 to 3 times a week.

Can I use chamomile oil on my hair?

Yes, chamomile oil can boost hair growth and radiance. It also helps manage dandruff. You can directly apply chamomile oil or mix it with other essential oils.

Does chamomile raise estrogen levels?

No. A mice study found that chamomile extract could lower estrogen levels and increase progesterone levels (15).

Does chamomile relax muscles?

Possibly. Chamomile may assist in alleviating the smooth muscle spasms brought on by certain inflammatory gastrointestinal illnesses (2).

Key Takeaways

  • Chamomile oil helps reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.
  • It can be used to add shine, softness, and strength to damaged hair.
  • Mix it with baby oil and massage your infant to soothe their senses.
  • Its powerful nutrients can help relieve irritated skin and manage acne and eczema.

Personal Experience: Source

i. The chamomile sisters


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Plants used to treat skin diseases
  2. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future
  3. Preparation of Strong Antidandruff Shampoo Using Medicinal Plant Extracts: A Clinical Trial and Chronic Dandruff Treatment
  4. Putative Antidepressant Effect of Chamomile ( Matricaria chamomilla L.) Oral Extract in Subjects with Comorbid Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression
  5. Efficacy and safety of topical Matricaria chamomilla L. (chamomile) oil for knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled clinical trial
  6. Potential effect and mechanism of action of topical chamomile (Matricaria chammomila L.) oil on migraine headache: A medical hypothesis
  7. A systematic review study of therapeutic effects of Matricaria recuitta chamomile (chamomile)
  8. Neuroprotective activity of Matricaria recutita against fluoride-induced stress in rats
  9. Nutraceutical Analysis of Marticaria recutita (Chamomile) Dried Leaves and Flower Powder and Comparison between Them
  10. Diuretic efficacy of Matricaria chamomilla in normotensive and salt-induced hypertensive rats
  11. Hypotensive effect of Chamaemelum nobile aqueous extract in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  12. The effects of Lavender and Chamomile essential oil inhalation aromatherapy on depression, anxiety and stress in older community-dwelling people: A randomized controlled trial
  13. The Effects of Lavender Essential Oil and its Clinical Implications in Dentistry: A Review
  14. Lavender and the Nervous System
  15. Effects of Matricaria chamomilla Extract on Growth and Maturation of Isolated Mouse Ovarian Follicles in a Three-dimensional Culture System
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