15 Simple Hair Care Tips For Black Hair

Use practical management tips to make your hair look healthy, bouncy, and shiny.

Reviewed by Tiffany Young, Certified Trichology Practitioner
Written by Anjali Sayee, BTech
Edited by Eshna Das, BA, MSc
Fact-checked by Krati Darak, MBA, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

Gray hair is the most visible indicator of aging. Although store-bought hair dyes are a proven solution to this problem, the chemicals they contain can harm the hair. That is why it is important to follow some black hair care tips if you have black tresses. You can use natural ingredients like indigo, henna, and coffee to maintain the jet black color of your tresses. In this article, you will find all the natural dyeing alternatives for black hair and some hair care tips to maintain it. Keep reading!

What Makes Hair Black?

Diagram comparing structure of black and gray hair
Image: Shutterstock

Your hair color is determined by the melanin content in your hair. There are two types of melanin that determine your natural hair color: eumelanin and pheomelanin (1). The more the eumelanin, the darker the hair.

The biggest issue with black hair is that graying is spotted easily. Parameters like premature aging of hair, extensive use of chemicals, stress, heat, and hair damage can cause hair to lose its natural pigmentation and become white (2).

Adding natural ingredients to your hair care routine can help preserve your hair’s natural pigment. Here are some ingredients that help keep hair dark.

Natural Hair Dyes To Keep Hair Black

Natural hair dyes to keep hair black
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Coffee: The caffeine in coffee was found to stimulate hair growth in androgenetic alopeciai  XA form of permanent, genetic hair loss condition that affects the top and crown of the head in both men and women. (3). It also elongates the hair shaft, prolongs anageni  XThe phase where the hair follicles grow out hair shafts that continue to grow for 3-4 years until they fall off. duration, and stimulates the proliferation of keratinocytesi  XThe major type of cells found in the outermost layer of the skin that helps repair and restore it. (4). Coffee is often used to color hair red or black (5).
  1. False Daisy: Bhringraj or false daisy has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to help keep hair black. It helps enhance hair’s natural color. It helped stimulate hair growth in animals (6). It contains alkaloidsi  XThese naturally occurring organic compounds in medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory properties. , flavonoidsi  XA class of natural compounds found in plants that help prevent cell damage, inflammation, and diseases. ¸ polyacetylenesi  XA type of organic polymer found in plants, fungi, and invertebrates, with antifungal and antimicrobial properties. , triterpenesi  XNaturally occurring chemical compounds in fruit peels, stem bark, or leaves that prevent oxidation damage. , and glycosidesi  XCompounds found in plants that store their chemical information and are widely used for medicinal purposes. , which make this plant a good hair dye (7). It not only darkens hair but also reduces hair loss and stimulates hair growth.
  2. Tea: Black tea has been used as a natural hair dye for centuries in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It contains tannins that increase the color intensity of hair (8).
  3. Henna: Henna is one of the most popular natural hair dyes. It contains lawsone, a red-orange compound that makes hair dark (9). Henna is known to prevent premature graying of hair.
  4. Amla: The Indian gooseberry is known to help enhance hair’s natural color. It is often used as a natural ingredient in dyes to keep the hair color dark (10). It contains a high content of vitamin C, which helps reduce hair loss.
  1. Indigo: Although indigo gives off a natural blue color, it is often used in pair with henna to keep hair black (11).
  2. Beet Juice: Beetroots have strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and chemo-protective properties (12). They also contain the betalain pigment used in dyes, which can aid in maintaining the dark and lustrous hair shade (13).
  3. Carrot Juice: The tocotrienol in carrots has potent antioxidant properties that may help increase hair growth and reduce oxidative stress on the scalp (14), (15). It can also keep dryness and dullness at bay, giving the hair a shiny look.
  4. Shea Butter Oil: It is used in cosmetic and skin care products for its moisturizing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties (16). These properties may also help nourish the hair and scalp when used in oil form, as is a common practice in certain African countries.

Here are some oils to use in combination with the above ingredients.

Woman applying oil to her hair
Image: Shutterstock
protip_icon Quick Tip
Using hair oils once or twice a week to keep it hydrated and healthy.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil can penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen it from within (17). It prevents hair damage and premature graying of hair.
  • Olive Oil: Olive oil can penetrate the cortex and increase hair hydration from within (18). This strengthens hair color and keeps it black. It also reduces hair damage and hair loss.

Maintenance is key to enhancing the hair’s natural color and preventing hair damage. Here are some hair care tips to help keep your hair black.

Tips To Keep Hair Black And Healthy

Woman brushing her black hair
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Be gentle with your hair. Whether you are combing, massaging, or styling your hair, it is important to be gentle with your hair.
  2. Oil your hair regularly. Some oils, like coconut oil, give hair nutrition from within and promote hair health by preventing hair damage. Anecdotal evidence suggests that regular oil massages may even stimulate hair regrowth.

Shirly, a blogger, shared she likes to wash her curly black hair once a week. Describing her process, she writes in one of her blogs, “Before I wash it, I always prime my hair with coconut oil or use a conditioner as a pre-treatment. This ensures that my hair is as strong as possible before I start washing it (i).”

  1. Heating some oils, like olive oil, can help them penetrate the cortex and nourish the hair from within.
  2. Massage your hair regularly. Research shows that massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation and increases hair thickness (21).
  3. Hair treatments, like keratin treatment, may enhance the natural color of hair. The aim is to enhance the protein content of hair and reduce hair damage.
  4. Use combs and brushes suitable for your hair texture. If you have kinky hair, use a bristle brush. If you have straight or wavy hair, use a wide-toothed comb. Brush your hair gently to avoid breakage or damage.
  5. Do not comb and avoid hair detangling when it is wet. Wet hair tends to stretch up to 70%. This may cause it to break or damage.
Woman dabbing towel on hair to dry it
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Another tip is to use your towel the right way. Dry your hair gently with a soft towel. A great tip is to pat or scrunch dry your hair.
  2. Avoid shampoos that have sulfates and parabens or any hair products with these ingredients. They load your scalp and hair with harsh chemicals that cause damage, making your hair brittle and more prone to breakage.
  3. Make sure your scalp and hair are clean. Wash your hair routinely at least once every three days. Massage the shampoo on your hair and scalp to remove accumulated dust, oil build-up, and dirt.
  4. Deep condition your hair at least once a week. The concentrated nutrients nourish the hair, keep it healthy and promote hair elasticity.
  5. Don’t use too many chemical products or treatments on your hair. These products and treatments contain chemicals that may infiltrate hair and damage it, causing low hair porosity and hair fall.
  6. Avoid hairstyles like tight ponytails, pigtails, or braids on fine hair on a daily basis. Using hair elastics to pull back hair tightly can cause hair breakage. Some protective hairstyles like box braids may pull on the hair roots and lead to breakage if left for too long.
  7. Consider taking nutrient supplements to balance deficiencies that cause hair loss (22). This can prevent hair loss and may promote hair growth. To boost healthy hair, vitamins, minerals, protein, and certain fatty acids are needed.
  8. Exercise and yoga are known to relieve stress. This, in turn, may inhibit hair loss.
  9. Use hair masks and products, like serums, to improve hair maintenance.
protip_icon Quick Tip
Make your own homemade deep conditioner with simple ingredients from your pantry. Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 banana and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for an hour and rinse with cold water.

Infographic: 7 Effective Tips For Black Hair

Watching your hair fall and get damaged can be a dreadful experience. Regular maintenance and following a healthy lifestyle are key to keeping them glossy and healthy. Click on the infographic below for everyday tips that can help you keep your hair long and shiny.

7 effective tips for black hair (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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It is hard watching your black hair turn white. But, now you know that following some simple black hair tips can keep your hair color vibrant! Using too many chemical products, the harsh UV rays, stress, and hair damage lead to your hair losing its natural pigmentation. Practicing a regular hair care regimen strengthens your locks and prevents them from losing their black color. Instead of using chemical hair dyes, opt for natural dyes like coffee, indigo, henna, tea, and false daisy to darken your hair. Oiling your hair with coconut, jojoba, olive, or argan oil also helps. Remember to follow the maintenance tips mentioned above to not only keep your hair dark but also to fortify and strengthen it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does black hair need conditioner?

Black colored hair does require conditioning after washing. Washing hair too frequently can strip hair moisture and its natural oils. A conditioner nourishes and moisturizes hair strands.

How often should black hair be washed?

Wash black-colored hair depending on your hair type. If you have oily hair, wash it thrice or more weekly. Wash dry hair once or twice a week. For normal scalp, follow a once or twice-a-week wash routine.

Why is black hair better?

Most adverts, blogs, and hair care products depict healthy hair as black hair, which is why many people associate it with being better. As long as your hair is healthy, your hair color should not be a problem.

Is black hair attractive?

Depending on your tastes, you may find black hair attractive while others may not.

Who looks good in black hair?

Most Asian, Middle Eastern, and African people are born with dark or black hair. Black hair suits people with cool-toned skin as it is a deep cool-toned color.

Key Takeaways

  • The melanin content in your hair determines its hair color.
  • Natural hair dyes like coffee, tea, indigo, henna, and amla darken hair.
  • Regularly oiling your hair using coconut, jojoba, olive, or argan oils keeps it hydrated and maintains scalp health.
  • Using warm oil on the scalp aids in better penetration, while massaging improves blood circulation.
  • Trim your hair at regular intervals to prevent split ends.

Transform your hair to black with simple home remedies that you can prepare in a few minutes. Watch this video to learn about the natural ingredients that can make your hair darker, healthier, and shinier.

Personal Experience: Source

i. My natural hair regimen – Confessions of a lazy girl


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