How To Use Fenugreek Seeds To Treat Dandruff

You will be surprised to learn all the amazing ways to use these seeds to eliminate flaking.

Reviewed by Madison Dufour, Barber & Cosmetologist
Written by Arshiya Syeda, BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Dip
Edited by Ramona Sinha, MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Swathi E, MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

One of the most inconvenient aspects of life is dandruff. This condition causes damage to our hair and skin. It can be humiliating to scratch your scalp in public, especially if you are wearing a black dress with dandruff flakes all over it. Worry not! You can use fenugreek seeds for dandruff. Fenugreek seeds are considered to have immense natural hair care properties. Curious to learn more about it? Here, we have explained why fenugreek is one of the natural remedies to prevent and manage dandruff. Continue scrolling.

Are Fenugreek Seeds Effective Against Dandruff?

The antibacterial properties of fenugreek seeds coupled with its antifungal properties help get rid of the Malassezia fungi that plague your scalp, causing dandruff (1), (2). The ingredient is a rich source of protein, vitamin C, iron, potassium, nicotinic acidi  XA variant of vitamin B3 that is an essential nutrient for humans. Also known as niacin. , and lecithini  XA naturally occurring compound constituting a combination of fats that are essential for human cells. . The benefits that these nutrients and properties offer for hair are innumerable. But, the one we care about most is its efficacy when it comes to fighting off the flakes. Which, by the way, is a job it does perfectly. So, let’s get right down to it and see how you can use fenugreek seeds to fight dandruff.

How To Use Fenugreek Seeds (Methi) To Treat Dandruff

1. Fenugreek Seeds For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds for dandruff
Image: IStock
You Will Need
  • 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds.

Overnight + 30 minutes.

  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water and leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind the seeds to form a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  5. Condition and let your hair air-dry.
How Often?

1-2 times a week.

Why This Works

Fenugreek or methi seeds not only help in dandruff prevention but they also promote healthy hair growth while preventing grays and adding shine to your hair (2), (3), (4).

A makeup blogger shares her hair growth journey, expressing, “I have used fenugreek three times in my hair now and can honestly say I have seen a huge difference. My hair is smoother, sleeker, thicker and healthier than ever. My dandruff has gone completely and I have noticed a great improvement in the growth too (i).”

2. Fenugreek Seeds And Lemon For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds and lemon for dandruff
Image: IStock
You Will Need

Overnight + 30 minutes.

  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water and leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind the seeds to a smooth paste. Add the lemon juice to this paste and mix well.
  3. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  5. Condition and let your hair air dry.
How Often?

Once a week.

Why This Works

Lemon juice helps control oil while unclogging your pores and boosting hair shine. Thus, it helps in exfoliation by removing dead skin cells, helping you achieve a flake-free scalp (5).

protip_icon Quick Tip
Avoid sitting in the sun after using this hair treatment, as lemon juice might bleach your hair when exposed to the sun.

3. Fenugreek Seeds And Curd For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds and curd for dandruff
Image: IStock
You Will Need
  • ½ cup curd
  • 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds

30 minutes

  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds in the cup of curd and leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind the seeds and the curd to a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  5. Condition and let your hair air dry.
How Often?

1-2 times a week

Why This Works

Traditional and cultural use along with anecdotal evidence claims that curd is a hair softener that can improve your hair’s texture with its protein content while the fenugreek cleanses your scalp of the flakes. This pack hydrates your hair while adding shine and volume (6).

4. Fenugreek Seeds And Coconut Oil For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds and coconut oil for dandruff
Image: IStock
You Will Need

Overnight + 30 minutes

  1. Soak the fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water and leave it to soak overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind the seeds to a fine paste and add the coconut oil to the mix.
  3. Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and condition.
  5. Let your hair air dry.
How Often?

1-2 times a week.

Why This Works

Coconut oil has strong antibacterial properties. It moisturizes your scalp and improves scalp health with its nourishing fatty acidsi  XThe primary components that make up fat in the human body and serve essential bodily functions.  (7). In combination with fenugreek seeds, it makes a super moisturizing hair pack that gets rid of dandruff and skin hydration.

5. Fenugreek Seeds And Amla Powder For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds and amla powder for dandruff
Image: IStock
You Will Need
  • 2 tbsp powdered fenugreek seeds
  • 2 tbsp amla powder
  • 4 tbsp lemon juice

20 minutes

  1. Combine all the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture.
  2. Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash with cool water and mild shampoo.
  4. Condition your hair and let it air dry.
How Often?

Once a week.

Why This Works

Amla has amazing healing properties, and in combination with the lemon juice, it gives your scalp a vitamin C kick (8). This hair pack helps kill dandruff while boosting scalp health and promoting hair growth. The hair pack will also give you relief from itching.

These are the different ways in which you can incorporate fenugreek seeds into your hair care routine. But are there any side effects of using it? Find out in the next section.

Side Effects Of Fenugreek Seeds For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds are generally considered safe for use. However, pregnant or nursing women should consult a doctor before incorporating into their haircare routine.

Some individuals may be allergic to fenugreek and experience symptoms such as skin irritation, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you experience any of the above symptoms, discontinue its usage immediately and seek medical help.
Apart from this, fenugreek seeds have a pungent and unpleasant odor that stays with the scalp and hair. It is also known to stain the hair and scalp in a yellowish or brownish color temporarily, making it a challenge to remove it.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Always perform a patch test on a tiny skin area and be careful about the quantity and combinations you utilize, as they can create unexpected reactions.

Infographic: 5 Homemade Remedies Of Fenugreek Seeds To Treat Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds contain protein, Vitamin C, iron, potassium, nicotinic acid, lecithin, and antibacterial properties. These antibacterial properties cleanse the fungi that cause dandruff. The seeds also promote hair growth, reduce the occurrence of gray hair, improve hair thickness and add shine, making the hair stronger and prettier. Try out these three home remedies to get thick beautiful hair.

5 homemade remedies of fenugreek seeds to treat dandruff (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Dandruff can be annoying and make you feel uneasy. It can also be difficult to treat at times. While there are a variety of solutions that can help, natural ingredients help eliminate the issue while being beneficial to your hair follicles and promoting scalp nourishment. Fenugreek seeds are one of such elements. Fenugreek seeds have antibacterial properties and exhibit antifungal activity, which assist in getting rid of the bacteria that cause dandruff on your scalp. To have dandruff-free hair, use the recipes listed above. In addition, follow our comprehensive guide to resolve your hair and dandruff issues with fenugreek.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we apply fenugreek paste to hair daily?

Yes, it is safe to apply fenugreek paste to the hair daily. However, daily application may not give any added benefits. Applying twice or thrice a week is ideal.

Does fenugreek thicken hair?

Yes, fenugreek helps thicken hair if applied regularly. It also promotes hair growth.

Can I leave fenugreek water in my hair?

Yes, fenugreek water can be left in the hair. It can be used as a leave-in conditioner to improve hair texture.

Key Takeaways

  • Fenugreek helps eliminate fungi on the scalp and treat dandruff.
  • Directly apply fenugreek seed paste to your scalp or combine it with curd to use it as an anti-dandruff hair mask.
  • Fenugreek seeds can be used with amla or coconut oil to prevent dandruff and promote healthy hair growth.
  • A fenugreek and lemon juice paste may help maintain scalp pH balance and exfoliate dead skin cells.

Learn how to use fenugreek seeds with other ingredients to treat dandruff. Watch this video and follow the simple steps given to help get rid of dandruff and have healthy, beautiful hair.

Personal Experience: Sources

i Fenugreek For Hair Growth


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activity of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) extracts
  2. Effectiveness of Fenugreek Seed Paste on Dandruff among Adolescent Girls in Selected Women’s Hostel Coimbatore;PID=2014-2-2-13
  3. A small plant with big benefits: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn.) for disease prevention and health promotion
  4. Fenugreek+micronutrients: Efficacy of a food supplement against hair loss
  5. Lemon as a source of functional and medicinal ingredient: A review
  6. Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine
  7. Medicinal benefit of coconut oil
  8. Vitamin C content and antioxidant activity of the fruit and of the Ayurvedic preparation of Emblica officinalis Gaertn
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