How To Use Jojoba Oil For Acne

Using this oil the right way can help manage those pesky bumps and improve your skin health.

Medically reviewed by Dr. K. Harish Kumar, MD DVL
Written by Ramona Sinha, MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach
Edited by Anjali Sayee, BTech
Fact-checked by Monomita Chakraborty, MA (Journalism & Mass Communication), Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

It is a common misconception that all facial oils clog the pores and worsen your acne. On the contrary, some oils can benefit your skin and acne. For instance, you can use jojoba oil for acne management and improve your overall skin health. Wondering how? This article explains why jojoba oil should be a part of your acne skin care routine and how to use it. Scroll down.

protip_icon Trivia
During the Second World War, jojoba oil was used to lubricate and maintain machine guns. It was used alongside other natural resources, as an additive to motor oil, transmission oil, and differential gear oil.

Why Use Jojoba Oil? What Are The Benefits?

Image: Shutterstock

Jojoba oil is extremely gentle on your skin and is mostly used as a carrier oil. It is also a common ingredient in skin care products. Many women use it as a part of their skin care routine because of the wonderful benefits it offers. They include:

1. It Has Moisturizing Properties

Jojoba oil acts as a humectant. It prevents loss of moisture from your skin (1). According to Dr.K.Harish Kumar, MD, DVL, jojoba oil keeps your skin soft and supple. It is especially beneficial for those who have dry skin. You can use it with or without essential oils.

2. It Has Antibacterial Properties

Jojoba oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. A study showed the antimicrobial activity of jojoba oil against several species of bacteria and fungi, such as E. coli, Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus, Salmonella typhimurium, Bacillus cereus, and Clostridium perfringens (2).

3. It Can Heal Wounds

The anti-inflammatory effects of jojoba oil make it an effective remedy for a variety of skin conditions. A study found that jojoba oil could heal wounds and facilitate collagen synthesis (3).

4. It Improves The Efficacy Of Skin Care Products

A study states that jojoba oil can enhance the absorption of topical medicines and other skin care products (4). Now you know how to make your topical medication and skin care products work better!

protip_icon Did You Know?
Jojoba oil is not exactly oil but a liquid wax ester. Due to this, it does not become rancid like other oils and has an indefinite shelf life.

Apart from taking care of your skin, jojoba oil also helps in improving acne. Researchers examined the efficacy of jojoba oil in acne management and found it helpful. Let’s check out what they found.

Jojoba Oil For Acne: How Effective Is It In Managing Acne?

Image: Shutterstock

A study evaluated the efficacy of clay jojoba oil mask on acne lesions. The pilot study involved 194 participants (192 females and 2 males). For six weeks, they applied the clay jojoba oil mask, two to three times a week. Out of 194 participants, only 133 returned the total lesion count after the study was over. It was found that after six weeks of treatment, there was a 54% reduction in the lesion count (both inflammatory and non-inflammatory) (5).

From moisturizing your skin to acne management, jojoba oil addresses many skin care issues with ease. It’s not too difficult to fit it into your daily skin care and acne management routine. Here’s how you can do that.

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Acne

Image: Shutterstock

1. Use It With Your Clay Mask

Mix bentonite clay with jojoba oil (take equal parts as per the area you will be using it on). Mix well and apply to the affected area (or your entire face and neck). Let it dry. Wash it with warm water. Do not rub too hard; massage gently while removing the mask. Try this mask two to three times a week.

2. Use It As A Face Moisturizer

Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of jojoba oil. Add both to a glass jar and mix well. Use this mixture as a moisturizer. Apply it to your face and massage for a minute. You may use it any time of the day, especially before retiring to the bed.

3. Mix It With Your Daily Cream

You can mix jojoba oil with your daily skin cream or gel and apply to your face. You can also combine jojoba oil with your face oil and massage on your face and other affected areas.

4. Use It Directly

You can also apply jojoba oil directly to your face or the affected area. Take a few drops of jojoba oil and apply it to your face and neck. Massage it gently for a minute or two. Do not wash. It is better to leave it on overnight.

So far, there have been no studies on the potential risk factors of using jojoba oil. However, you cannot rule out the chances of adverse effects.

Are There Any Potential Risks Of Using Jojoba Oil?

Image: Shutterstock

Jojoba oil is considered safe for topical application (unless you are allergic to it). It is always better to do a patch test before applying it to your face. This helps in ruling out any possibilities of allergic reaction.

Prolonged use might cause rashes and irritation. It might even give you hives and cause allergic reaction or swelling of throat, face, tongue, and lips.

Also, it’s not recommended to consume jojoba oil. If you are pregnant or lactating, consult a doctor before using jojoba oil.

Finding the most effective remedy for acne can be tough – because the result may vary from person to person. And when it comes to natural healing methods, results will differ. If jojoba oil works on your acne lesions, good for you. But if it doesn’t help, don’t be disheartened. There are plenty of other ways to treat acne. Consult a dermatologist in case you do not see any improvement or if your condition worsens.

Finding the most effective acne treatment can be tough. It is because the results may differ from person to person. What worked for others may not work for your skin. This is also true for home remedies. If you have used jojoba oil for acne and experienced positive results, that is good. However, do not be disheartened if it does not work for your acne lesions. There are many other effective treatment options to minimize acne. If you have severe acne, home remedies may not work, and you may need more aggressive treatment. Therefore, consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and follow the prescribed treatment. We are sure you will see improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use jojoba oil on my face daily?

Yes, you can use jojoba oil on your face daily to keep it hydrated and nourished.

Is jojoba oil good for cleansing your face?

Yes, you can apply jojoba oil directly or in combination with natural ingredients to cleanse your face daily.

Jojoba oil has numerous benefits, especially for on acne prone skin. Watch the video to see the transformative journey of the creator and also get to know how she incorporates this oil in her skin care routine.


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  1. Characterization, sensorial evaluation and moisturizing...” International Journal of Cosmetic Science, US National Library of Medicine.
  2. A review on plant importance, biotechnological…” Biological Research, US National Library of Medicine.
  3. Wound healing properties of jojoba...” Journal Of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine.
  4. Jojoba in dermatology...”, Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, US National Library of Medicine.
  5. Clay Jojoba Oil Facial Mask...” Research in Complementary Medicine, ResearchGate.
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