How To Tighten Your Neck Skin Naturally

Get rid of sagging skin without cutting a hole in your pocket in easy and natural ways.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Sameeksha Chand, MBBS, MD DVL
Written by Annie Jangam, MSc
Edited by Ramona Sinha, MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Swathi E, MA (English Literature), Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

The neck skin does not receive as much attention as your facial skin. However, it is the thinnest skin on your body and tends to sag, sending out the glaring signals of aging. So, how to tighten your neck skin? Well, a few exercises and DIY remedies can help. This article explores the best natural ways of remedying your sagging neck skin. Keep reading to know them.

Why Does My Neck Look Older?

Closeup of a young woman showing her old-looking neck.
Image: Shutterstock

The neck is the first place that shows the various signs of aging. The area has the thinnest skin than any other part of the body. The neck also has fewer oil glands, which may make it lose its elasticity relatively faster. It also is possible that most of us do not give our necks the care we give to our faces.

Dr. Nadir Qazi, DO, a board-certified physician, says, “Collagen production begins to slow around the age of 25. However, the effects may not become apparent until the age of 40 or so. Most people start to notice changes to their neck around that age as the skin begins to thin and the collagen to support the skin has depleted significantly enough to become visible.”

Dr. Kunal Malik, MD, FAAD, a cosmetic dermatologist, explains, “This is highly variable, and dependent upon multiple factors – overall health status, sun exposure, genetics, environmental factors (smoking, excess pollution exposure).”

Dr. Anna Chacon, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist, adds, “After the age of 40, the skin and muscles of the neck become slack. With weight reduction, the skin’s ability to shrink decreases, and weakening muscles can cause a banded look. Popular face skin care products, treatments, and procedures can assist us in combating the effects of aging.”

Aysel, a massage therapist and YouTuber, shares in one of her vlogs two significant problems she faced due to weight loss and unsuccessful hormonal therapy. She states, “Firstly, my face began to look very flabby, and my skin began to hang in this place (pointing at saggy neck skin). This is an ugly skin pouch that is formed as a result of excess skin and subcutaneous fat (i).” She attributes these problems to aging and loss of skin elasticity.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Incorporating a facial roller in your massage routine helps improve lymphatic drainagei  XA process that relieves swelling or blockage in the lymphatic system to ensure lymph fluids flow consistently and fight off bacteria. and promotes even, smooth skin.

While these are the reasons your neck skin looks loose, there are certain ways you can tighten it.

Is It Possible To Tighten The Neck Skin?

Dr. Chacon says, “Yes. Stretching and exercising can make a visible difference in wrinkly skin. Constant stretching and releasing of your lower facial tissues and muscles might activate them. This can also induce collagen production, decreasing aging and sagging signs.”

A few exercises and natural remedies may help tighten your neck skin. Check out the list of the neck-tightening exercises we have compiled for you below!

Natural Ways To Tighten Your Neck Skin

1. Hot Stone Massage

Anecdotal evidence suggests that a massage with a hot stone on loose neck skin may repair wrinkles. It also may trigger collagen formation and tighten neck skin. However, get this massage done by a professional for better, safer results.

2. Almond Oil Massage

Almond oil may help tighten neck skin
Image: Shutterstock

An almond oil massage may also improve skin firmness. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E and may also help reduce wrinkles (1). Apply almond oil to your neck regularly. Additionally, you may also eat almonds daily.

3. Exercise

Woman doing stretching exercises.
Image: Shutterstock

One effective exercise to tighten neck skin is the constant stretching and relaxing of lower facial muscles. This stretching exercise can make the muscles around the neck active, potentially stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin. Dr. Chacon adds, “Simply take a pack of chewing gum and munch it for 10 minutes twice a day. This will help you build muscle beneath your jaw and in your neck, preventing a double chin and turkey neck. Try these for extra neck-tightening exercises.”

Aysel introduced an effective method involving sea salt treatment and facial exercises in her video to address turkey neck. She recommended daily practice of these exercises. She said, “After two weeks, you will definitely see the result.”

4. Neck Masks

  • Cucumber Mask

Cucumbers are a great source of hydration as they contain 95% water (2). Some believe using cucumber on your neck may help revitalize the shrunk neck cells and make the skin look fuller and plump. More research is warranted in this regard.

You Will Need

  • A cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons of curd
  • 4 to 5 drops of almond oil
  • A small cup of rose water
  • A cotton ball

What You Have To Do

  1. Grate the cucumber and place it in a bowl.
  2. Add curd and almond oil to it.
  3. Make a fine paste by mixing well.
  4. Apply the mask to your neck and leave it on for 30 minutes to dry.
  5. Clean the neck with the cotton ball dipped into rose water.
  6. Moisturize your neck with a good moisturizer.

How Often You Should Do It

Do it everyday.

  • Banana Mask

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the antioxidant properties in bananas may help make your neck skin look firm and healthy.

You Will Need

  • 1 banana
  • 4 tablespoons of curd
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

What You Have To Do

  1. Mash 1 banana in a bowl.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of curd and 2 tablespoons of honey to it.
  3. Mix all the ingredients.
  4. Apply the mask to your neck.
  5. Leave it to dry for an hour.
  6. Wash your neck.

How Often You Should Do It

Do this everyday.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Your face and neck are the two areas that can get damaged due to sun exposure. Always ensure to use non-irritating sunscreen formulas that are suitable for your skin type.

You may also follow these other tips to tighten your neck skin.

Tips To Keep Your Neck Looking Younger

1. Take Collagen

Collagen powder filled in small cups.
Image: Shutterstock

Oral collagen is known for improving skin elasticity (3). Adding collagen supplements to your daily diet may help keep your neck looking younger. Consult your doctor before you go for any supplements.

2. Avoid Perfumes

Perfumes contain alcohol that may dry the skin if used in excess. This may eventually lead to a loss of skin elasticity. Hence, avoid using perfumes on your neck. You may use them on your wrist.

3. Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been popular in the skincare industry for its anti-aging benefits (4). You may use Vitamin C-based serums or creams to keep your neck looking younger.

4. Exfoliate Your Skin

Our face and neck are covered with millions of dead cells that may clog the pores if not cleared. This may make our skin appear dull and aged. Hence, using a good physical or chemical exfoliant to exfoliate your neck can help.

5. Moisturize Your Skin

Woman moisturizing her neck with a mask.
Image: Shutterstock

Regularly moisturizing your neck also helps keep it looking young. Go for a natural, high-quality moisturizer from a reputed brand. Use it regularly.

6. Manage Your Weight

Weight gain can cause the skin to stretch. The subsequent weight loss may make it loose and saggy. Dr. Chacon says, “Neck muscles may be strengthened with focused workouts, and their young skin may naturally bounce back after the weight is lost. However, if an elderly person has lost skin elasticity, their neck skin may stay loose and wattle-like even after they’ve shed the neck fat.”

You can manage your weight by incorporating healthy lifestyle changes like eating right and exercising regularly. Remember to stay hydrated and follow a balanced diet. Dr. Chacon adds, “Drinking enough of water is one of the greatest strategies to get rid of a double chin. It aids in the removal of toxins from the body and can help relieve bloating. Furthermore, consuming enough water can help keep your skin moisturized, making your chin seem less sagging.” Incorporate fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and salads into your daily diet.

Other than trying natural remedies, you can give medical treatments a shot as well that promise effective results in less time. Scroll down to know all about them.

Medical Treatments For Tightening Neck Skin
Alt Text: Neck skin tightening treatment

  • Ultherapy: This is a non-invasive neck skin tightening treatment that uses ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production in the skin, which helps in naturally lifting and firming the skin on the neck (5).
  • Lower Rhytidectomy: This surgical procedure (also called facelift surgery) involves removing excess skin from the jawline and neck to achieve slimmer and tighter skin in the said areas (6).
  • Radiofrequency Skin Tightening: This nonsurgical treatment involves generating heat deep into the layers of the skin using radiofrequency waves to boost new cells and collagen production (7). This helps give a natural lift to the neck and corrects sagging skin.

Infographic: 6 Natural Ways To Tighten Your Neck Skin

While the face is constantly protected from environmental aggressors, the fine skin on your neck is rarely taken care of. Such negligence is often one of the major causes of neck wrinkles and sagging skin. But fear not. The infographic below summarizes the top 6 fast and effective ways to tighten the neck skin naturally. Check it out.

6 natural ways to tighten your neck skin (infographic)

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You cannot avoid sagging skin because it’s a natural aspect of aging. While these texture changes might be difficult to minimize or hide once they appear, it’s never too late to improve the sensitive skin around your neck. When it comes to skin tightening, many of us seek medical help, but we forget that this can lead to long-term harm and dependency. That is why choosing a natural skin-tightening remedy is the best option! Try the remedies and methods discussed in this article to tighten your neck skin and improve its appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I sleep to avoid turkey neck?

According to Dr. Chacon, “Sleep on your back with your head slightly raised to minimize puffiness and face water retention even more. Fluids can leak from your face in this position. Use an additional cushion to raise your head a few of inches above your body.” Dr. Malik adds, “Avoid flexing the neck, which can cause the platysmal muscles to contract and therefore form “tech- neck” bands.”

Does retinol tighten the skin?

Retinoli  XA vitamin A-derivative used in skin care that increases production of skin cells and collagen, unclogs pores, and exfoliates the skin. can help improve collagen and elastini  XA human body protein that has the capacity to stretch and shrink, thus providing elasticity to the skin and connective tissues. production. Therefore, it may help tighten the skin (8).

Does hyaluronic acid tighten the skin?

Hyaluronic acid may help improve skin rejuvenation and stimulate collagen and elastin production. Therefore, it may help in skin tightening (9).

Key Takeaways

  • The neck has the thinnest skin of any part of the body and the fewest oil glands, which may cause it to lose elasticity more quickly.
  • Natural ways to tighten your neck skin include hot stone massage, almond oil massage, stretching exercises, and various neck masks.
  • Take collagen, avoid perfumes, take vitamin C, exfoliate and moisturize your skin, and maintain a healthy weight to keep your neck looking young and fresh.

Learn how to tighten your neck skin and eliminate a saggy neck with this easy-to-follow video! Check it now to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and look younger in no time!

Personal Experience: Source

i. STOP TURKEY NECK and NECK WRINKLES one 100% proven method


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Prospective randomized controlled pilot study on the effects of almond consumption on skin lipids and wrinkles
  2. Evaluating The Potential Benefits Of Cucumbers For Improved Health And Skin Care.
  3. Daily oral supplementation with collagen peptides combined with vitamins and other bioactive compounds improves skin elasticity and has a beneficial effect on joint and general wellbeing
  4. Topical Vitamin C and the Skin: Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Applications
  5. Intense focused ultrasound for neck and lower face skin tightening a prospective study
  6. Evolution of the rhytidectomy
  7. Radiofrequency facial rejuvenation: Evidence-based effect
  8. Retinoids: active molecules influencing skin structure formation in cosmetic and dermatological treatments
  9. Hyaluronic acid
    a promising skin rejuvenating biomedicine: A review of recent updates and pre-clinical and clinical investigations on cosmetic and nutricosmetic effects
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